Upcoming Tournaments
Nov 10-12 Pickleball @ NW Sports HUB
Click here to Register
Description: This is a FUN Round Robin with medals for Gold / Silver / Bronze
Groups will be divided by age and skill in each session following close of registration.
8/15/23 to 8/30/23 EARLY Registration $35
9/01/23 to 10/4/23 Registration $50
10/5/23 to 11/4/23 is LATE Registration $65
Each event is $0
This tournament is for all skills and ages.
Skill Levels 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5+
Planned Age Groups 19+, 50+, 65+
Friday, November 10 – Women’s Doubles & Men’s Skinny Singles
Saturday, November 11 – Mixed Doubles
Sunday, November 12 – Men’s Doubles & Women’s Skinny Singles
All players will self rate – this means you should update your player profile to not be any lower than your UTPR or DUPR. The tournament director reserves the right to move your team up a level of you do not.
Dec 22-23 Pickleball @ NW Sports HUB
Click here to Register
Description: This is a FUN Round Robin with medals for Gold / Silver / Bronze
Groups will be divided by age and skill in each session following close of registration.
8/15/23 to 8/30/23 EARLY Registration $35
9/01/23 to 11/30/23 Registration $50
12/01/23 to 12/15/23 is LATE Registration $65
Each event is $0
This tournament is for all skills and ages.
Skill Levels 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5+
Planned Age Groups 19+, 50+, 65+
Friday, December 22 – Women’s & Men’s Doubles
Saturday, December 23 – Mixed Doubles
All players will self rate – this means you should update your player profile to not be any lower than your UTPR or DUPR. The tournament director reserves the right to move your team up a level if you do not.
Jan 13-15 Pickleball @ NW Sports HUB
Click here to Register
Description: This is a FUN Round Robin with medals for Gold / Silver / Bronze
Groups will be divided by age and skill in each session following close of registration.
8/15/23 to 8/30/23 EARLY Registration $35
9/01/23 to 12/15/23 Registration $50
12/16/23 to 1/6/24 is LATE Registration $65
Each event is $0
This tournament is for all skills and ages.
Skill Levels 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5+
Planned Age Groups 19+, 50+, 65+
Saturday, January 13 – Women’s Doubles & Men’s Skinny Singles
Sunday, January 14 – Mixed Doubles
Monday, January 15 – Men’s Doubles & Women’s Skinny Singles
All players will self rate – this means you should update your player profile to not be any lower than your UTPR or DUPR. The tournament director reserves the right to move your team up a level if you do not.